Monday, February 27, 2012

Hello and Welcome to the Corner!

  Yes, it is a lovely corner, fully furnished with a nest of blankets and a box of chocolates (worms get hungry too, ya know!). Would you like to join me in my cozy little corner? Lovely! *scoots over* Here, take the spot that doesn't have...whatever that is on it... Is that a rat turd?!? D: NOT AGAIN! Ehem... anyway!

   Would you like to listen to me rant talk about some of my favorite books, and some of my not-so-favorite ones? No? Well too bad! You're already here, and LOOK! I've super-glued you to the floor! MUAHAHAHAHA-*cough*ha*wheeze*ahhhhh.... SHALL WE BEGIN? :D

  Would you like a chocolate? Yes? Alrighty- would you like- no, you can't have that, not that one either; it's my favorite... nu-uh....just take- just t- NO- JUST TAKE THAT ONE RIGHT THERE....YES. THAT ONE. THE ONE THAT LOOKS GROSS...THANK YOU.

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